Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014


         We have narrowed down our subject to a very specific topic, a key to focus in a personal narrative. 

Using Action and Dialogue

          To capture the attention of the readers, action and dialogue play a big role. They serve to SHOW what's happening in the story, not "tell".

Riddles for the Brain

#1  Add only one symbol to the Roman numeral nine and change it to an even number.


             #2  " Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not. What am I?"


  1. Hi sir this is Ashley Aguirre, and the answer for the first one I think is that you add a 1 to make it even. The answer for the 2nd one is ton because when it's forward it's heavy and when it's backwards it spells not.

  2. Hello its Itzel Rojas. so for the first one i think you add a 1 in the front and for the second one also ton because a ton is heavy and when you spell it backwords it spell not

  3. Hi mr patino Its me Ismene I think the answer for the second riddle is TON because when you put it backwards its NOT

  4. Hi sir,its,Arianna the answer,to the first is,the,roman numeral 5. The answer to the second is,ton because backwards it spells not

  5. The first one is X ten and the second riddle is seesaw

  6. Hello my name is Alexis Morin answer one is IIX and two is a ton

  7. hi my name is Melanie and for the 2nd one is TON and idk the 1st one

  8. Mr Patinio I forgot the essay in your because I didn't pick it up

  9. Hi Mr patiño it's ayvlis The answer for 2 is ton
