Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014


         We have narrowed down our subject to a very specific topic, a key to focus in a personal narrative. 

Using Action and Dialogue

          To capture the attention of the readers, action and dialogue play a big role. They serve to SHOW what's happening in the story, not "tell".

Riddles for the Brain

#1  Add only one symbol to the Roman numeral nine and change it to an even number.


             #2  " Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not. What am I?"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week of September 8-12, 2014


This week we covered one strategy for pre-writing called writing territories. In it we brainstormed possible topics that included ideas about ourselves, our roles on life, our interests, and our beliefs. We touched on  traveling, eating, reading, reincarnation, karma, and spirit in man!

Subjects and Predicates

Basic concepts like subjects and predicates were reviewed with an eye to making diagramming later on more understandable and efficient.

Friday, September 5, 2014


     Our class activity focused on six concepts which were elicited by only ten questions! That was awesome!   Here were the concepts:

  • Subjects and predicates
  • Natural order of sentences  (subject-predicate)
  • Inverted order (predicate-subject-predicate)
  • Fragments
  • Run-ons
  • Comma splice

     We also found that favorite has now become a verb! You can now say," I have favorited you on Facebook!" When you type this word in the computer, the spellcheck tells you it's misspelled, but it's not. The computer has to keep up with the explosion of language!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Writing Process

1. Why is writing a process?

2. What is the most important word that describes the writing process?

3. Explain your answer.

4. Describe the steps of the process in order.

Questions to Answer

1. Why are parts of speech essential in the English language?

2. What are the two most important parts of speech?

3. Why are they important?