Week 4
October 30-November 3, 2017
"There are no shortcuts. Rome was not built overnight. Brick upon brick is the structure built."
Monday, October 30
* Journal entry, Quotable Qoutes, " If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I do not have it in the beginning." Gandhi
GRAMMAR* Engage students the use of WHO and WHOM; challenge them to write their own complex sentence using these relative pronouns.
* Introduce the comma rules through the acronym FOILC ( fanboys, opener, interrupter, list, closer). Give examples of each with their technical names.
* Introduce students to what a controlling idea or thesis statement is and what it is not.
* Have them practice in creating several samples.
* Gallery walk with student samples and positive feedback.
* Pizza Pie Slice (Narrowing down)
* General to particular stairs
Tuesday, October 31
* Quotable Quotes: ( Gandhi) student response
*Practice each comma rule in sentences
* Share sentences.
* Have students choose a prompt of their own making from previous activity.
* Have them freewrite about the topic they chose to bring out ideas on the topic.
* Have them pinpoint an idea they really want to focus on.
* Formulate the controlling idea.
* Introduce the different kinds of leads.
* Quotable Quotes: ( Gandhi) student response
* Have students find comma rules in sentences in their own writing.
* Have them practice more comma rules.
* More sample of leads in published articles
* Students imitate those leads.
Thursday, November 2
*Quotable Quotes, Gandhi
* Comma rules practice
* Body paragraphs elements: topic sentence,details: history, entertainment,literature, personal experience (HELP)
* Samples
Friday, November 3
*Quotable Quotes, Gandhi
* Comma rules practiceCOMPOSITION
* Body paragraphs elements: topic sentence,details: history, entertainment,literature, personal experience (HELP)
* Samples