Friday, October 27, 2017

7th Grade Writing

Second Six Weeks

Week 4
October 30-November 3, 2017
"There are no shortcuts. Rome was not built overnight. Brick upon brick is the structure built."
Monday, October 30

* Journal entry, Quotable Qoutes, "  If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I do not have it in the beginning." Gandhi
GRAMMAR* Engage students the use of WHO and WHOM; challenge them to write their own complex sentence using these relative pronouns. 
* Introduce the comma rules through the acronym FOILC ( fanboys, opener, interrupter, list, closer). Give examples of each with their technical names.
* Introduce students to what a controlling idea or thesis statement is and what it is not.
* Have them practice in creating several samples.
* Gallery walk with student samples and positive feedback.
* Pizza Pie Slice (Narrowing down)
* General to particular stairs

Tuesday, October 31

* Quotable Quotes: ( Gandhi) student response 
*Practice each comma rule in sentences
* Share sentences.
* Have students choose a prompt of their own making from previous activity.
* Have them freewrite about the topic they chose to bring out ideas on the topic.
* Have them pinpoint an idea they really want to focus on.
* Formulate the controlling idea.
* Introduce the different kinds of leads.

Wednesday, November 1
* Quotable Quotes: ( Gandhi) student response
* Have students find comma rules in sentences in their own writing.
* Have them practice more comma rules.
* More sample of leads in published articles
* Students imitate those leads.

Thursday, November 2

*Quotable Quotes, Gandhi
* Comma rules practice

* Body paragraphs elements: topic sentence,details: history, entertainment,literature, personal experience (HELP)
* Samples

Friday, November 3
*Quotable Quotes, Gandhi
* Comma rules practiceCOMPOSITION
* Body paragraphs elements: topic sentence,details: history, entertainment,literature, personal experience (HELP)
* Samples

  • Image result for gandhi quotes

                                                        Image result for Expository Pillar                     

Sunday, October 22, 2017

7th Grade Writing

Second Six Weeks

Week 3
October 23-27, 2017
"There are no shortcuts. Rome was not built overnight. Brick upon brick is the structure built."
Monday, October 23

* Journal entry, Great Lives, Great Deeds (Gandhi): Student response
GRAMMAR* Engage students with sample  sentences for compound and complex.
* Build the foundation with questions like: Can you identify these sentences? What types of sentences are they? Do they differ from each other? In what ways? Are they the same? In what ways?
* Note the answers, and expand from them. Make definitions.
* Introduce students to what a controlling idea or thesis statement is and what it is not.
* Have them practice in creating several samples.
* Pizza Pie Slice (Narrowing down)
* General to particular stairs

Tuesday, October 24
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response 
*Pass out hand-outs outlining the elements of a complex sentence: one or more main clause, one or more subordinating clause joined by subordinating conjunctions (AAAWWUUBIS).
* Explain how the complex sentence is punctuated and how the conjunctions are used.
* Have students choose a prompt of their own making from previous activity.
* Have them freewrite about the topic they chose to bring out ideas on the topic.
* Have them pinpoint an idea they really want to focus on.
* Formulate the controlling idea.

Wednesday, October 25
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
* Practice identifying different types of complex sentences.
* Have students find complex sentences in their own writing.
* Have students write their own complex sentences.
* Revisit articles on Honesty (re: Abraham Lincoln and Gandhi)
* Give out an excerpt from Legend on Honesty
* Have students react to each selected paragraph. Make it personal.
* Introduce carousel writing where each student contributes a paragraph.
* Share with a partner.

Thursday, October 26

Friday, October 27
* Professional Learning Day
                                                        Image result for Expository Pillar                     
  • Image result for fall festivals

Friday, October 13, 2017

7th Grade Writing

Second Six Weeks

Week 2
October 16-20, 2017
"There are no shortcuts. Rome was not built overnight. Brick upon brick is the structure built."
Monday, October 16

* Journal entry, Great Lives, Great Deeds (Gandhi): Student response
GRAMMAR* Engage students with sample  sentences for compound and complex.
* Build the foundation with questions like: Can you identify these sentences? What types of sentences are they? Do they differ from each other? In what ways? Are they the same? In what ways?
* Note the answers, and expand from them. Make definitions.
* Introduce students to what a controlling idea or thesis statement is and what it is not.
* Have them practice in creating several samples.

Tuesday, October 17
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response 
*Pass out hand-outs outlining the elements of a complex sentence: one or more main clause, one or more subordinating clause joined by subordinating conjunctions (AAAWWUUBIS).
* Explain how the complex sentence is punctuated and how the conjunctions are used.
* Have students choose a prompt of their own making from previous activity.
* Have them freewrite about the topic they chose to bring out ideas on the topic.
* Have them pinpoint an idea they really want to focus on.
* Formulate the controlling idea.

Wednesday, October 18
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
* Practice identifying different types of complex sentences.
* Have students find complex sentences in their own writing.
* Have students write their own complex sentences.
* Revisit articles on Honesty (re: Abraham Lincoln and Gandhi)
* Give out an excerpt from Legend on Honesty
* Have students react to each selected paragraph. Make it personal.
* Introduce carousel writing where each student contributes a paragraph.
* Share with a partner.

Thursday, October 19
Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
*Compare and contrast the three types of sentences: simple, compound, complex.
* Students report on their findings. 
*Pass handouts on organizational structure of the expository essay.
* Show a sample expository essay.
* Analyze its elements and organization.
* Debate pros and cons of the issue.

Friday, October 20
* Quiz on complex sentences.
                                                        Image result for Expository Pillar                     

Saturday, October 7, 2017

7th Grade Writing

Second Six Weeks

Week 1
October 9-13, 2017
"There are no shortcuts. Rome was not built overnight. Brick upon brick is the structure built."
Monday, October 9

* Journal entry, Great Lives, Great Deeds (Gandhi): Student response

GRAMMAR* Engage students with sample  sentences: one simple, one compound, and another, complex.
* Build the foundation with questions like: Can you identify these sentences? What types of sentences are they? Do they differ from each other? In what ways? Are they the same? In what ways?
* Note the answers, and expand from them. Make definitions.
* Have students make their own sentences with complete subjects having prepositional phrases agreeing with the verbs.
*Ask students to define what they understand of expository essay: definition, analogy, or drawing.
*Share with group and afterwards with a peer.
* Process and give teacher definition.
Tuesday, October 10
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response (Postpone. Teacher has jury duty.)
*Worksheets of different simple and compound sentences.

Wednesday, October 11
* Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
Show different samples of simple sentences: natural, inverted, with compound subjects or simple predicates, long, short, etc.
* Show the model for compound sentences; teach students the FANBOYS song
* Show the pitfalls of students in identifying the simple from the compound sentences especially in lists and compound predicates.
COMPOSITION* Revisit articles on Honesty (re: Abraham Lincoln and Gandhi)
* Give out an excerpt from Legend on Honesty
* Have students react to each selected paragraph. Make it personal.
Thursday, October 12

Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
* Practice identifying the simple sentences from the compound sentences.
* Based on the articles, have students make a foldable with Topic/Theme/ Prompt titles.

Friday, October 13
 Great Lives, Great Deeds: ( Gandhi) student response
* Introduce complex sentences and their essential parts.
* Introduce the acronym for the subordinating conjunctions:AAWWUUBIS plus the relative pronouns WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT
* Show a sample expository essay.
* Pass out the handouts on expository organizational charts and strategies.
* Give out a prompt on honesty.
* Debate on the pros and cons of the issue.

Image result for Expository Pillar